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You can contribute . . .

Membership fees don't always cover everything we do here at WBH.

WBH directors spend quite a bit of volunteer time defending the sport of bowhunting by

  • writing newspaper editorial and comments to local and state publications

  • talking with legislators and others--locally and in Madison

  • promoting bowhunting in Wisconsin and the country by attending other events

  • and more!  

Several archery/bowhunting clubs throughout the state also generously support WBH by:

  • Holding banquets, shoots and other events with the proceeds going to WBH

  • Supporting WBH by becoming 100% or 101% clubs

  • Promoting WBH in their newsletters and other publications

  • Linking WBH to their websites

  • Attending WBH functions as a group

WBH’s ability to promote, preserve and protect bowhunting is also greatly enhanced through the efforts of many individual members that:

  • Provide monetary contributions

  • Volunteer to help at various outdoor shows and WBH events


Please help to continue the legacy of your bowhunting sport with your most generous donation. 


WBH Member Talent and Time Registration Form (PDF)

Scroll down for online form.

You DO NOT need a PayPal account to process payment.

1. After selecting "Donate Now...", select Paypal Checkout

2. Click on "Add card..."

3. Scroll down to button indicating  "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" 

4. Select button and continue with payment.



We thank 

 our generous


Thank You!

General Operations Fund
David Zillmer
Ron Kulas
Dennis Palmer
John Kircher

Clarence Koch

Scott & Vicki Zimmermann

Defense Fund  

Conservation Scholarship Fund

Youth Program Fund
The Christian Family in memory of

Lola Lechner




General Operations Fund

Horicon Marsh Bowmen

Dennis Palmer

Ron Kulas

Ron Roehrick


Kelly Frank

Waunakee Archers

Adam Zorn - In honor of

             Michael Zorn's 1st Birthday

Howard (Butch) Nehring

Steven Geiger

Neosho Archers, Inc.

Gary Birkholz, Poynette Bowhunters

Louis Birkholz, Poynette Bowhunters

Watertown Archers, Inc.

Poynette Bowhunters


Defense Fund  



Conservation Scholarship Fund

Michael Burtch - In memory of
               his father ​Tony Burtch

Youth Program Fund

Kebbekus Family - In memory of Bill Heck​

Cross Plains Valley Archers - In memory of

                Gordy Brings

Mississippi Valley Whitetails Unlimited




Horicon March Bowmen​


General Operations Fund

John Kircher

Randy Schupbach

Phil J Pellitteri

Hunters Last Chance

Horicon Marsh Bowmen Inc.

David Zillmer

Lakeshore Bowhunters

Baraboo Bowmen, Inc.

Robert Brown

Neosho Archers Club

Leland Haeuser

Watertown Archers, Inc

Rick Schultz

Poynette Bowhunters Associated, LTD

Bo Duggan

John Kircher

Christine Bender

Louis Kindred


Defense Fund  

Don Ludwig

Hugh McMahon


Conservation Scholarship Fund

Harold De Wolfe Family
Martin Seering

Youth Program Fund

Karl Horstman

Whitetail Unlimited - Stan Godfrey

Greg Miller

Ed Koenigs




Horicon March Bowmen, Inc.

Cross Plains Valley Archers


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